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After seeing candidates struggle to adequately prepare for the clinical exam, due to a lack of structure and patient exposure, Sydney ClinPrep was formed by a Network Director of Physician Education and Medical Education Support Officer, in conjunction with many local physicians.
In tertiary hospitals patients with good clinical signs often develop exam fatigue and don’t agree to be constantly examined. The full range of patient pathologies are sometimes not available in peripheral hospitals. This course helps overcome these major hurdles in preparation for passing the exam.



A/Prof Cameron Holloway


Cameron passed the MRCP (UK written and clinical exam) in the year after his internship at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne. He then passed the FRACP written and clinical exams on first attempts, before cardiology training. He taught clinical skills at the University of Oxford, UK, for 6 years, before starting his Consultant Cardiology position at St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney, where he was Director of Physician training at St Vincent’s Hospital and a Network Director of Physician training over a 5 years period. During his time, the Network consistently had one of the highest pass marks in Australia and New Zealand, for both the written and clinical exams. He is a National Examiner for the FRACP exams.


He attributes his success in clinical exams to early preparation, including a clinical exam preparation course in London, where he was taught to examine short cases and had exposure to over 100 patients with common and rare clinical diseases.

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